In addition to this, I have to say that I find normal these brushes because this project requires a lot of time to work on it. We are working with too much pressure and we are working as a group, we have two meetings per week. So, the environment is not the better. I talked with members of other groups and they don't have meeting, in fact she told me they did only A metting at the beginning of the project. My question is .... is this a group?? Or they are splitting the work and doing it separately?? Because the most I have learnt with this project is to work in group.
I am glad of Blue Team, because each of us has a role in this group. This role is not the Project Manager, Tester .... for example, Ezequiel makes the meeting too much funny, with his jokes and his laugh (Remeber: "Ey chicos pasarme la ESA"). Lucas is the supplier of this group, he brings cupcakes, breads, oranges, bananas .... and so on. Fran is always ready to do things, moreover Fran and Alvaro are always pestering Ezequiel so it is funny. Apart from that, Alvaro brings some lights when the rest does not see the solution.
Again, I am very pride of the work done in this project because other groups follow the ESA standard, while we adapt it. We read the standard and we think if the section is applicable for the project.
For all I have said, and for a lot of things I have not written:
Man, this post really touched me.... You're right! We actually ARE a great team!
Each has it's own task, we review everybody's work, we meet up (more often than desired) and distribute work, balancing it...
And guess what? We're gonna have the best end-of-project party!! (by the way, the Project Manager pays! lol)
Oh! And by the way, about the problem between the two team members.
I think it's normal. We have way too much pressure on us, not only with SE3, but with the others too, so...
Things get solved talking, communicating... and that's what we did! ;)
Oh, I feel more than touched... This post is better than any other. It describes the roles perfectly (except for one that you exaggerate with ;-) ) but Antonio, you forget about yourself! Without you we would deliver documents with a lot of little mistakes that would make the class freak out in laughter.
Thank you all!
what an Álvaro-like comment was that... lol
How sweet Anto!
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