Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DDD Appoved!

After a realy hard weekend, in which we barely sleep... Three reviewed documents (ADD, DDD, SVVP) were delivered on time :) and another one is on its way (STD).

Although It was a very difficult time and the workload was extremely high, I have to say that between all the work I have a good time. I really understand what is like to work in a great team, where everyone is involved and willing to help the other ones with their tasks!. It was awesome. we all spent three days, almost 24/7 on the Gmail chat coordinating ourselves, reviewing the different advances of the rest of the team and solving doubts. No member of the team stuck to their duties, when someone finished inmediatly helped the other! we all work like never... I'm pleased for being on the BLUE TEAM!

Today was the review of the first of the previously talked documents (the DDD) and... It's approved!


Thursday, December 4, 2008


Guys, I have to make an urgent call on you because next days will be kinda busy days for all of us. As you well know, there are some critical changes to perform in the documents we delivered more than two weeks ago. Such changes make us change also the documents we delivered after them, which supposes an exponential growth in the workload.

Now, it is not time to find a guilty one, but to work harder and better than ever before. I hope all the disappointment we feel makes us do our very best.

About humiliation and laughs, just remember that no laugh will ever break one of our bones. We are high above such concerns and nonsense.

Finally, just ensuring that I know we will develop documents much better than those already provided by the other teams, and promising you that I will do me best in this overwhelming situation.

Keep up the hard work!

-._Project Manager_.-

Monday, December 1, 2008

Great presentation!

[Post under construction]
Added in order to have the date of today. It just have to be edited and updated with the review of the presentation ;)