Thursday, January 22, 2009

RapidSpot finished

Hi guys,

today we performed the presentation that supposes the ending of Software Engineering III. As you know, during the development of RapidSpot system we went through very stressing situations that required all our attention and time. In order to cope with those situations we worked as a united team, everyone in its own possibilities.

With this post, I want to express that despite the fact it was a hard project, we also enjoyed many situations I will never forget. Those "palmeras" (thanks to Eze) to make our minds work better, those series of "borderías" and "funny comments" in every situation possible, those moments in which we could not speak about RapidSpot anymore and we discussed about anything else (including the weather), those neverending threads in Gmail, the Skype conferences with strange sounds from Eze and Lukas speaking from beyond the grave... Those experiences made us a team and are something we will remember from the subject forever.

So mates, good luck with any other project and hope to work with you again.

Best wishes,

Álvaro Fernández

-._Project Manager_.-

1 comment:

Ezequiel A. said...

Great "last" post of the blog. Love it!
By the way, we should post a group picture or something!
Miguel added me, last night, to tuenti... We have to ask him for the video of the presentation to post it too (after editing our worst moments XD)
