Friday, October 24, 2008

SQAPv3.0 done and BPR on its way!


Today we had a very good meeting. We are getting better and better with respect to the organization and review of documentation. We had also improve the decision making and become a little bit more unified on that aspect.

The goals of the meeting from this morning were finishing the last details of the new SQAP version (remember that we had to produce an entire new document from Monday) and to start working on the BPR. The work for the BPR is now divided (because of the weekend). Each section of it have an author and each author have a designated reviewer. Our next meeting is on Tuesday morning :-)

Go Blue Team!!! ;)


Fran said...

I have uploaded my part of the BPR to discoweb. See you tomorrow!

Lukillas said...

Yep, I just uploaded my revision on Fran's documents.
