Sunday, October 12, 2008

Miscommunication and erros in versioning

Hello everyone,
It's the Configuration Manager.

On Sunday is the deadline for the reviewed version of the SPO and the CDP. Since Friday we have been working on these two documents and we encountered our first problems (as a team):
- One member did not follow the agreed version policy, so we found some versions with a small mistake on the format of the name. The good thing is that the error was detected (in an early phase of the project) and we are working on the correct re-versioning.
- The work of two of other member was not taken into account because of miscommunication. At least three members were involved in this miscommunication incident. Now, everything is clear but some members put extra-effort on this deliveries because of it. In concrete, the tasks involved in this incident were: CVs format unification, english version of the gantt images update. They were done (unnecessarily
) two times.

Well, we learned from these mistakes and move on. It's not happening again.
See you tomorrow!


Lukillas said...

Yep, we made a mistake... .
Fortunately, as you said, we got it fast and solved it...

Let's see if we don't do it again!

C ya!!

Fran said...

That probably happened because we are using discoweb as a cvs repository and it is not. Then, in order to avoid those mistakes we shall do one of two:
1) Being aware of the date/hour of the last modification of the specific document we want to work with (and check that they are the same once we upload it with the changes).

2) The easiest one: let the rest of the group know what and when are we going to modify a document and when are we going to upload the modifications.

Ezequiel A. said...

I'm with the second one!
We can maybe send an email to the group before any modification to say "Hey!, i'm working with this section of this version so STAY AWAY"... It will be like a version-mutex!!! OMG! This distributed systems are making me such a freak XDD